The NWA WV/OH returned to
the Gym in Pennsboro, WV on Friday 11/25/00 with a bell time of 7:00 p.m.
Match #1 Blue Lightning VS Tyler James
These two fast moving, high flyers hit each other with everything in their
respective arsenals as they used arm locks, leg locks, clotheslines, high
dropkicks, and some great technical wrestling to try and upend each other.
After 5:45 of great action, some strange happenings caused Referee Tony
Wolfe to disqualify Blue Lightning and award the Decision to Tyler James.
Match #2 Evil Ninja VS Tommy Boy Mulligan
The Ninja came to the ring with an unusual ruthlessness tonight, as he
attacked Tommy for the first bell.
Ninja seemed bent on winning at any cost using his martial arts to beat
Tommy boy down to the mat, and go for the quick pin, Tommy would not be an
easy win however, as he rallied and returned Ninjas vicious assault. As
Ninja saw his victory slipping away his "trick knee" dropped
Tommy Boy and while Tony Wolfe was distracted by the fans cries of protest
Ninja produced brass knuckles, and dropped Tommy to the mat just in time
for the ref to turn and toll the three count.
Although Wolfe saw the knuckles after the match, they were on the floor,
and could not change the outcome.
Match #3 "Luscious" Rocky Reynolds VS Johnny Hard
The self proclaimed "Luscious God" tried to destroy Johnny with
a barrage of high impact maneuvers, but the co-holder of the NWA WV/OH Tag
Team Championship showed Reynolds why he holds that prestigious title.
Johnny returned all of Rocky's moves and gave him that much more to deal
Although Hard gave it his all, at the 7:21 mark Reynolds caught Johnny
with his top rope senton bomb for the three count.
Match #4 Mr. Attitude VS Viper
Viper and Attitude tore into each other as Viper sought a measure of
revenge from the night before when Attitude tried to eliminate Viper by
destroying his knee.
While Viper was out of his element in this non-hard core match, he used a
vast assortment of hold to stop Attitude in his tracks.
At the 8:00 minute mark, this action tumbled out of the ring and into the
ringside area. Referee Tony Wolfe warned both wrestlers to return to the
ring, but after administering a 10 count, called for the double DQ.
After intermission "Awesome" Arpin called out Tyler James to the
interview area. James was holding his ribs after an encounter with Rocky
Reynolds, in a feud that seems never ending.
Arpin offered James a match with Reynolds tonight here in Pennsboro, to
try and gain a measure of revenge, but there was a stipulation, as Arpin
called out Reynolds, and informed them that they could only meet in a tag
team match.
While James accepted, Reynolds showed signs of reluctance until Arpin
called out Reynolds tag team partner, Mr. Attitude. With this Reynolds was
anxious to get down to business, until Arpin called out Tylers partner,
Johnny Hard, who was still stinging from his earlier loss to Reynolds.
All four men hit the ring, and tore into each other with James and Hard
both trying to beat Reynolds into submission. Mr. Attitude gave Rocky a
rest as he tagged in but found himself at the mercy of two tag team
masters as James and Hard took the south Philly brawler to the mat.
The ring could not contain all the action, and when it finally spilled out
to the floor, Referee Tony Wolfe disqualified both teams, and threw the
match out.
Reynolds and James were not satisfied with this outcome, and both
challenged each other back into the ring. The two fought each other
brutally and the locker room emptied to separate them, but not before a
disgruntled Tyler James grabbed a chair from ringside, and laid out
Reynolds, then tried to break his ribs before being held back by the other
While Rocky was helped to the locker room, Arpin again took the mike and
offered James another shot at Reynolds, this time at the next card in
Pennsboro (pending negotiations) on December 31st, in a ladder match, with
the Vacant NWA WV/OH Heavyweight Title hanging overhead for the winner to
James accepted much to the delight of the fans.
Match #6 4-way elimination match!!!
Wildcat & Viper VS Tommy Boy Mulligan & The Lunatic
This was a 4 way dance that saw each wrestler tagging anyone he was close
to in an attempt to affect a win.
After some great tags and fast action by all four men, at the 8:15 mark
both the Lunatic & Tommy Boy were eliminated leaving Wildcat &
Viper to meet in what many thought would be a great scientific encounter.
These two men have known each other for years, and have the utmost respect
for each other, but in an unexplainable bit of action, Wildcat produced a
pair of brass knuckles, and surprised Viper, and captured the pin fall
The crowd was in shock, as were the ring crew, and the announcer.
Wildcat had his arm raised in a token of victory, and then made a hasty
exit to avoid the fury of a semiconscious, but non the less Raging Viper.
After the ring was cleared the battle royal began with all the wrestlers
except a still wounded Viper participating. The battle was fast and
furious and came down to Tyler James and Mr. Attitude. The veteran managed
to upend the young lion for the victory.
Submitted by Johnny Hard
Friday night 11/24/00 The
Dils center in Parkersburg, bell time 7:00
This night, dedicated to raising funds to assist Promoter
"Awesome" Richard Arpin with his recent medical expenses was a
TRIBUTE to the respect that the wrestlers show for "the Big Guy"
The ringside area was standing room only as all the stars of the NWA WV/OH
turned out to add their time and talent to this show.
Match #1 Cole Cash vs. Fly Guy
These 2 rookies gave it their all as they made their debut in the world of
Pro Wrestling here in the Dils center. Cash and Fly guy made a great
showing of themselves as they rocked each other for 4 minutes until at the
4:45 mark when Fly Guy took the pinfall.
Match #2 Luscious Rocky Reynolds vs. Blue Lightning
Blue used his ring skill and abilities to thwart the offense of the
muscular Reynolds as he confused out wrestled "The Luscious
Reynolds used a variety of high impact maneuvers, clotheslines, suplexes,
and slams to try and bring down Blue Lightning, but the veteran caught
Reynolds at the 8:16 mark in his patented "lightning strike"
power slam for the three count.
Match #3
NWA WV/OH Jr. Heavyweight Champion Bobby Inbred vs.
Tyler James
The ring introductions were never completed as these two combatants fought
from the dressing room to the ring. Tyler James used high flying maneuvers
to try and score a win in this non title matchup.
Bobby Inbred called on his vast ring knowledge and stamina to outlast
James thru the onslaught of kicks and punches, slams, dropkicks, and more
as he took the young Lion to the 11:00 minute mark and caught him in the
"cow pie drop" to score the pinfall.
Match #4 Mr. Attitude vs. Travis Time
It was a full brawl as Mr. Attitude tried to retire 1/2 of the NWA WV/OH
Tag Team Champions Travis Time.
Time seemed out of his element and looking for his partner as he tried to
match Attitude move for move and power for power.
Attitude carried Time through pain blues and agony until he saw his
opportunity and caught Time in a high impact DDT at the 6:30 mark for the
pinfall victory.
A 50 50 drawing was held and the winner donated his funds to Richard
Match #5 A three way dance to determine the #1 contender for the NWA
WV/OH Jr. Heavyweight Title.
Blue Lightning, Tyler James & Rocky Reynolds faced each other in a
challenge to single out the #1 contender for Bobby Inbred's title.
This match saw all three go flat out trying to gain an early pinfall, and
ensure themselves a shot at the gold. All three men kept up a furious pace
and at some points two would team against one hoping to narrow the odds.
In the end at the 8:10 mark while Rocky Reynolds was outside the ring,
Tyler caught Lightning in a high impact slam for the three count.
Match #6 Three way challenge to determine the #1 contender for the NWA
WV/OH Hardcore Title.
Viper vs. Johnny Hard vs. Mr. Attitude
This was a first as the three grapplers beat each other senseless in an
effort to meet Big Gun Jeff Cannon for the Hardcore Gold.
Viper was as ruthless as ever as the self proclaimed "Lord of all
hardcore" beat both Attitude and Hard relentlessly. Not to be
outdone, Mr. Attitude fought back and for awhile teamed with Hard to try
and remove Viper from the match.
The ending to this match was fast, furious, and controversial as JW Idol
jumped into the fray and attacked Viper allowing Attitude to catch Hard
off balance for the pinfall at 10:15.
What followed was a disgusting display as Attitude, Hard, and Idol tried
to smash the knee of Viper by removing his protective brace and use
a baseball bat to attempt to end Vipers career. Blue lightning, Bobby
Inbred, and finally Tyler James broke up the assault, with James coming to
the aid of Viper.
A battle royal followed with the locker room charging the ring and an all
out war ensued as bodies flew, and friend fought friend to seek a means to
an end of this all out war.
The battles of the night resumed and old feuds were re-ignited as the fist
flew and bodies sailed over the top rope.
After 10:40 of action Mr. Attitude eliminated Tyler James for the victory.
Results provided by Johnny Gunn.
Dils Center, Parkersburg,
Report from Johnny Gunn: First off let me say that the new Executive Committee
held these results to investigate certain allegations by Titan.
Garbageman vs. Johnny Hard
The Garbageman squared off against one time friend Johnny Hard, in an
encounter that saw a different side of G-man. The match started off with a
few quick exchanges, that degenerated into a slugfest, and saw the
Garbageman try to break the right arm of 1/2 of the NWA WV/OH tag team
champions Johnny Hard.
Johnny would not lay down for the G-man as he fought back tooth and nail
to Give his opponent all he could take, and then some. Hard used speed and
agility to equal the slight advantage Gman had in weight and height. At
the 12 minute mark, Hard took the Gman to his limit, and prepared to
finish him with a Goonberg Spear, but the veteran put on the brakes, and
turned the spear into a high impact DDT ! Gman climbed to the top rope on
the far side of the ring, and delivered the "Dumpster Dive" for
the pinfall.
Although Gman claimed the victory, it took him quite awhile to climb out
of the ring and limp to the dressing room.
Bobby Inbred Vs Titan
NWA WV/OH JR. Heavyweight title match!
This was the final match to fill the vacant NWA WV/OH Jr. title, and the
final 2 combatants were gunning for the gold. Titan squared off against
Bobby Inbred, in a speed demons battle. Both men maintained a blistering
pace for nearly 9 minutes using scientific maneuvers, flying dropkicks,
powerslams and suplexes each trying to catch the other in a compromising
At the 10 minute mark Titan
found himself outside the ring, and the victim of an inbred suicide dive,
which left both men out cold on the floor. As the official began his
10 count both men struggled to their feet but neither could beat the
count. Promoter Richard Arpin would not accept the outcome, and
demanded the match to continue. Titan made it to the ring first and Pearl
Harbored Bobby on his way in. Titan displayed vicious tactics, choking,
biting, kicking and using cheap shots to try and stop Inbred cold, but
Bobby would not be denied this night as he rallied, and used several high
risk maneuvers to get Titan into the "sheeproll" and claim the
pinfall along with the NWA WV/OH Jr. Heavyweight Championship!!!!
Titan was outraged, and claimed that Arpin had rigged the match to fall in
Inbred's favor. Titan vowed to take the match to the Executive committee.
New Champion at 15:45 Bobby Inbred !
Parkersburg, WV, Dils
Center 09/08/00, 7:00 p.m.
A packed house at the Dils Center meant action + as the fans gathered to
see the wrestling legend Mr. USA Tony Atlas! The rough weather would
not stop these true wrestling fans from catching the superstars of the NWA
#1 Wildcat vs The Garbageman
The Garbageman had a hard time with the fans, the sound man, and the
biggest trouble of all, Wildcat. From the first tone of the bell G-man was
all over the fans, really getting on several at ringside, and berating the
sound man about using the wrong music. When g-man finally got into the
ring, Wildcat got right to business keeping g-man down with armlocks, and
a very powerful headlock. Gman countered with leg holds, and figure four
attempts but Wildcat kicked clear each time allthough Wildcat had the
G-mans number, it was the "Trashcan roll" by the
Garbageman for the victory at 8:13
#2 Viper vs Travis time
Taking a shot at the singles match side of things, Travis Time bit
off far more than he could chew as Viper beat 1/2 of "Hard
Times" to a pulp. Travis made the mistake of trying break the rules
in a match against the man who has broken them all. Commissioner Viper assaulted
Time to a virtual standstill using punches, kicks, chokes, and some heart
stopping chest slaps. Viper toyed with his opponent until the crowd called
for the "Venom Injector" and Travis felt defeat from a venom
#3 Hardcore Title Championship !!!!
Big Gunn Jeff Cannon vs the champion Mr. Attitude
The Big Gunn decided to turn things up a notch as he made his bid
for the Hardcore Title. Cannon moved with speed and determination, using
his agility to offset the raw power of Mr. Attitude. The South Philly
brawler took Gunn to the limit and frustrated Cannon at every turn. After
more than 5 minutes of flat out and out fighting the two spilled out onto
the floor where the fist flew as did everything in the Dils Center but the
kitchen sink. Suddenly a well dressed David Powers appeared, and showed
interest in the match. As the participants made it back to the squared
circle, Powers followed with what appeared to be a large book. At the 11
minute mark Powers climbed onto the ring apron and seemed to be waiting
for something, at this moment Big Gunn delivered a low blow to Attitude,
and steered him toward Powers. Powers raised his "book" and
revealed a brick which he struck Attitude in the head with. Big Gunn
made a fast cover and left as the new "Hardcore champion".
#4 Tag Team: David Powers & Viper ?
Mr. Attitude & Evil Ninja ?
This was a little strange, as Awesome Arpin, who was at the
timekeepers table, used his authority as booker, to sign a match pitting
David Powers in a tag team match against Mr. Attitude. Attitude was
itching to get his hands on Powers for costing him the Hardcore Title a
short time earlier. Powers claimed to have Laryngitis, and no ring
gear, and no partner, as he was not signed for a match on the card. Powers
was put off, as Arpin made the tag team match, permitted Powers to wrestle
in his street clothes, and found him a partner, VIPER! The fans came
unglued as Viper made his way to ringside and offered to tag with Powers.
David was livid, but not without a plan of his own as he was able to pick
a partner for Attitude, the Evil Ninja ! (Attitude & Ninja do not get
along professionally or personally) As the match got underway Powers found
himself across from 300 lbs of fury as Attitude wanted to destroy Powers.
David made the quick tag to Viper, and the 2 started things off.
After 1 minute of action
Attitude found himself still weak from the brick attack, and at the mercy
of Viper. Viper back-tagged Powers and brought him in to a prone Attitude.
As Powers worked over Attitude, he found himself unable to tag Viper, who
kept stepping off the apron to adjust his boots, and leg brace. Attitude
made the comeback, and tagged in Ninja who worked over Powers with a
variety of martial arts maneuvers. Ninja tagged in Attitude and soon
Powers was in deep trouble. Attitude sought to tag Ninja in for the win,
but Ninja was now having trouble with his boots, and would not make the
tag. Attitude stopped the match and made it clear to Powers that Ninja and
Viper were the enemy, not partners. As Powers backed away from
Attitude, he spun and decked Viper just as Attitude dispatched Ninja. Soon
Viper and Ninja entered the ring and a brawl ensued that had referee Tony
Wolfe call for the bell, and dq the participants. The 4 fought all the way
to the dressing room.
#5 NWA WV/OH Heavyweight Championship.
MR. USA Tony Atlas vs New Champion J.W. Idol
Fresh off the victory over Awesome Arpin, J.W was determined to set
a record as the longest reigning champion ever. Unfortunately J.W. did not
count on having to meet the most recent challenger the throne, Tony
Atlas! This was a tough contest as JW used his ring skills to try
and match Atlas incredible strength. Idol used maneuver after maneuver
to try and wear down Tony, and several times thought he had the former WWF
tag team champion beaten, but to no avail. Tony Atlas called upon his
great reserves of strength to match the wrestling machine Idol, and keep
him away from victory, and a successful title defense.
At the 13 minutes mark,
Idol became frustrated and started brawling with Atlas, and even turned
his attention on Awesome Arpin, but Tony Atlas took advantage of the
momentary lapse in JW's attention, and caught him in a schoolboy roll up
for the pin and the NWA WV/OH title !
#6 Battle royal to determine the #1 contender.
This pier 6 brawl saw all the stars of the NWA WV/OH including the
new champion Tony Atlas. There were no friendships, and no love lost
anywhere as this all out war that lasted just 5 minutes, and saw J.W. Idol
emerge as the winner, and new #1 contender for the NWA WV/OH heavyweight
title held by Tony Atlas.
Ring Reporter Johnny Gunn !
PENNSBORO, WV AUGUST 31, 2000 8:00 P.M.
Prior to the opening bell, NWA WV/OH
promoter Awesome Arpin summoned newly reinstated referee Tony Wolfe and
former commissioner David Powers to the announcers table. Although it wasn’t
clear what the conversation was about, Powers was livid by the time it was
over and has to be restrained by Wolfe from entering the crowd to confront
some noisy fans. Newly appointed commissioner Viper came out and promptly
offered to battle Powers for his old office, an offer Powers quickly
backed down from. As Powers made his way back to the dressing area, he
berated Arpin and Wolfe and even threatened to slug internet reporter
Corey Hickman of Piledriver Press.
Match 1: Triple-threat match – Travis
Time vs. Tommy Boy Mulligan vs. Blue Lightning
The first match got underway pitting three of the NWA WV/OH’s young guns
in a falls count anywhere encounter. As Blue Lightning launched an early
offensive, Time tried to keep out of the action for the moment by lounging
around in a corner and watching the action. He was soon dragged into the
battle and all hell soon broke loose. The three brawled across the crowded
field of Myles Stadium where the annual Country Roads Festival was being
held to the other side. As Awesome Arpin followed with a microphone to
cover all the action, the three somehow wound up in one of the porta-johns.
After a few seconds, they spilled out and it appeared as though Tommy Boy
Mulligan took the worst of it…covered in a funny blue liquid and toilet
paper. Travis dragged Tommy back to the ring and immediately kicked him in
the gut…causing him to spew more of the blue liquid. Tommy Boy went down
hard and was easy pickings for Blue Lightning to score the pin. Time
quickly capitalized on Lightning’s mini-celebration and school-boyed him
for the overall win.
Match 2: Luscious Rocky Reynolds w/ Ace
Spalding vs. Tyler James
If the future of the NWA WV/OH is reflected
in the actions of these two rookies, it’s certainly a bright one. The
ripped Reynolds stormed to the ring and waited eagerly for the popular
James to arrive. After James hit the ring, Reynolds went straight to work
and dominated the majority of the match hitting not only power moves, but
high flying moves that would bedazzle a luchador on any given day. Tyler
managed to rally with the fans behind him and turn the tide briefly, but
was distracted by manager Ace Spalding who quickly hit the mat when James
threatened to take his block off. With his attention turned, Rocky resumed
his pummeling of Tyler. He managed to catch James’ hurricanrana attempt
and turn it into a crushing power bomb for the win.
Match 3: Doink vs. Magnum
It didn’t take long for the clown’s
antics to distract Magnum enough to make him stall the match. After
referee Tony Wolfe FINALLY got control back, Doink was able to sneak a
roll-up for the win. Afterwards, David Powers tried to console Magnum…only
to get a bucket of water thrown in his face by Doink for his efforts.
Match 4: Big Poppa Gator vs. King Kong
Gator didn’t make any friends at all in
Pennsboro by making several off-color remarks about the local citizens,
and didn’t make King Kong Bundy that happy either. Bundy came to
ringside and announced on the mic that Gator would receive a
Pennsboro-style ass-kicking, much to the delight of the fans. Gator and
Bundy took turns controlling the match with power moves that would’ve
turned an ordinary man to mush. Bundy finally slowed Gator enough for a
slam, splash, and the 1-2-3.
Match 5: Hardcore Championship – Viper
vs. Mr. Attitude (champion)
Viper had lost the title six days prior in
Belpre, Ohio to Mr. Attitude in a controversial manner. As you know by
now, Viper was appointed commissioner only days later. Nonetheless, Viper
was still entitled to a rematch and certainly made the most of it. Viper
and Attitude battled around the stadium seating area, eventually going to
the top level and into an old press box/ticket booth. Both men were busted
open during the war up and down the stairs. They finally wound up around
ringside again, and Viper took control by hitting several flying elbows
off the ring apron onto his opponent and using a baseball bat. Attitude
eventually couldn’t continue and Viper was able to pin him long enough
to win the NWA WV/OH Hardcore championship again.
Match 6: David Powers vs. Wildcat
Once he helped Mr. Attitude out of the
ring, Mr. Arpin announced to Powers that his opponent would be none other
than veteran Wildcat. Wildcat and Powers went tooth and nail, working on
scientific holds and a mix of brawling. Both men tried to give each other
chops across the chest, but Wilcat got the upper hand. Powers rebounded to
take down Wildcat with leglocks and holds. After Tony Wolfe broke a choke
hold, Powers got in his face about the call. While he was distracted,
Wildcat was able to surprise the former commissioner with a quick pin…and
I mean quick.
Match 7: Bobby Inbred vs. Johnny Hard
(special referee 10 year-old Chris Arpin)
Bobby and Johnny have a history as
different personalities, but their newfound personas are definitely more
on the extreme side! Right now, Inbred is ½ of the team of the
Sheeplayers, and Hard is ½ of the team of Hard Times…both contenders
for the vacant tag team titles. Each man relied on speed and high-flying
maneuvers to get the upper hand. Chris Arpin made the calls right down the
middle, but apparently Johnny Hard didn’t see it that way. After Chris
tried to reprimand Johnny for his lack of regard for the rulebook, Hard
shoved him to the mat. Chris picked himself off the mat and gave his
assailant a shot between the legs and a ‘X-factor’, allowing Bobby to
score the win.
Match 8: Main Event – Brandi Alexander
vs. Lexi Fyfe
Both of these lovely ladies are no
strangers to each other or the independent scene. Alexander has even
appeared on WCW television a time or two. The two femme-fatales were
evenly matched going in, but Brandi chose to use chokes and hair pulls
throughout the match up. Although it seemed as though Brandi would pin
Fyfe and any moment, Lexi continually fought back. Lexi eventually caught
Brandi in a bridge suplex for the pin!
1st match David Powers vs a mystery
opponent per the Executive committee
Powers opponent, The Garbageman Man !
In record time, Garbageman defeated Powers in 4 minutes. Powers and Gman
exchanged punches and kicks along with a little arm work by Powers, until
Gman used a low kick, and followed up with his "can opener"
elbow off the top rope.
2nd match Goonberg vs Wildcat.
Goonberg defended his honor but not the rookie of the year title as he
faced the fan favorite Wildcat in a fast paced 12 minute match that saw
Wildcat defeat "the Greatness" by pinfall.
3rd match Tommy Boy Mulligan vs Keith News
Mulligan, less his bed wear, faced tough newcomer Keith News in a test of
power and ring savvy. News used great ring technique and met the
rough and tumble Mulligan straight up, but came up short at the 8 minute
mark, as Mulligan took the three count.
4th match Continuing the tag team tournament.
Bobby inbred & Romeo Godwin "the Sheeplayers"
Evil Ninja & Insano The Clown
The Sheeplayers were in rare form and delighted the fans by frustrating
the Ninja & Insano to the point of nearly quitting. Ninja & Insano
used a tremendous amount of power moves to wear down Bobby Inbred and
cutting off the ring to keep Godwin from making the tag. Bobby rallied at
the 10 minute mark and made the tag ! Romeo tore into the terrible two and
left them both laying as Bobby connected with the "sheep dive"
off the top rope for the pin.
After the 4th match David Powers returned to the timekeepers table, and
announced that J.W. Idol had been injured, and the the Steel Cage Main
Event would still occur, but that there would now be a "wild
card" drawn from the roster for the night.
5th match Magnum vs Blue Lightning
The man who can get no respect from the fans, Magnum, faced Pennsboro's
favorite, Blue Lightning. In a fast exchange of great scientific and
technical skill, Lightning & Magnum never stopped moving through the 9
minute torture test. It was a tremendous contest, that saw Magnum get the
upper hand and take the pinfall victory.
Intermission to assemble the Steel Cage!!!!!!!!!!
A quick recap, At the last show in March, there was complete confusion as
the NWA WV/OH title was "taken" by the Garbageman, with a lot of
help from his friends. While it was true that Gman did take the three
count over Awesome Arpin, it was also true that Viper, Goonberg, Tommy boy
mulligan and J.W. Idol were involved.
As a result the Executive Committiee ordered Awesome Arpin, Viper, and J.W.
Idol to meet in a Steel Cage Match with Weapons, to determine the
undisputed NWA WV/OH & Hardcore Champions.
Awesome Arpin and Viper were called to the ring, All the other wrestlers
were called out to ringside to stand, for a drawing to determine the
"wildcard" wrestler.
After all names were gathered, the
drawing pulled out the name of
........................ BOBBY INBRED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arpin chuckled, Viper laughed out loud, and other wrestlers stared,
unwilling to accept the outcome. Bobby Inbred charged into the cage and
surprised everyone by attacking Viper, and inflicting considerable
punishment upon him. Viper soon turned the tables on Inbred and left him
lying in a heap. Viper turned his attention to Arpin, who made short work
of him. Arpin used wooden planks, forks, cake pans, a toilet seat, a kendo
stick, and a ladder to pummel Viper into a bloody mess. 3 times Arpin was
victorious and attempted to leave the cage but, was held up as referee
Tony Wolfe could not "find the key" Arpin returned to the
action, 2 times powerbombing Bobby Inbred until he was unconscious. At
this point Viper drew something from his trunks and threw a white powder
into Arpin's face, then beat him severely. Viper turned to leave the cage,
and was met full in the face by a metal plate swung by Bobby Inbred.
Bobby took to the top turnbuckle, and used the "sheep Dive"
to stun Viper. Bobby signaled for the door and referee Wolfe was able to
come up with the key, Bobby scrambled to the floor, and claimed the NWA
WV/OH Heavyweight Title!
Viper recovered enough to squirm his way to the door, and with assistance
from Tony Wolfe, made it out to claim the Hardcore Title.
Arpin was left standing in the ring furious! Arpin demanded a match
with Wolfe next month, when the NWA WV/OH returns to Pennsboro on May 6th.
Reported by Johnny Gunn.
Pennsboro WV. March
4th belltime 8:00
The show opened up with the drawing of the first partners of the tag-team
tournament. J.W. Idol, 1/2 of the former champions, drew from the hat and
was livid that his partner was Awesome Arpin !
#1 Goonberg vs Flying Freddie Fargo
The rookie of the year Goonberg vs Freddie Fargo Special guest Referee the
youngest in the sport today, Christopher Arpin !
In the Iron man match, it was Fargo 2
Goonberg 4 when Goonberg suddenly bailed out and reminded Commissioner
Powers that in a previous contract situation it was assured to Goonberg
that if he ever pinned Fargo 4 times, he would be declared the winner no
matter the type of match. Goonberg was declared the winner pending review
of the contract.
As Fargo was the looser he had to bid
the fans farewell, and leave wrestling forever. As Fargo was leaving he
was stopped by his "brother" Romeo Godwin and asked to stop his
charade, and go back to acting normal as "Bobby Inbred". Fargo,
now Inbred leapt into his brothers arm and offered to join him in the tag
team tournament later in the night.
#2 Tommy Boy Mulligan vs Blue lightning
The looser of this match has to wear ladies lingerie around the ring.
These two tore into each other using strength and skill to try and gain an
advantage over the other. At the 8:10 mark Lightning caught Mulligan in a
high impact body drop for the pinfall. After Mulligan donned the bed wear
he asked to be released from the "parade". Commissioner Powers
instead had Mulligan sit at ringside for the rest of the card.
#3 First tag team tournament match !
J.W.Idol & Awesome Arpin vs Dr. Doom & Evil Ninja
Idol and Arpin had a hard time acting as a team as it looked at many times
that Doom and Ninja would win the match and advance in the tournament.
Finally at the 8:00 mark Idol struck the Ninja and Doom with a metal tray
as the referee and Arpin were distracted by Idols manager Bryan Fury.
Winners and advancing: Idol and Arpin
#4 Magnum VS Thriller
After trying to convince the fans that he was a scientific star of the
NWA, Magnum showed his true colors as he tried to beat Thriller into
submission. After 6:40 seconds Magnum's style proved too much for
Thriller, as he covered him for the pin.
#5 Tag Team Tournament 2nd round.
The Sheeplayers
vs White Lightning.
Bobby Inbred & Romeo Godwin Titan & Thriller
In the second round of the tournament to determine new tag team champions
the new team of the Sheeplayers drew one time champions White Lightning.
This battle was one of odd maneuvers, and strange sights with Godwin &
Inbred frustrating Lightning into nearly giving up. Using the tactics that
made them champions in the past, Lightning pulled out the win to advance
at the 9:40 mark.
#6 Hardcore Title Match.
Viper VS Jimmy Rambo
Viper was livid when he learned that Jimmy Rambo had been omitted from the
final round of the Hardcore tournament. The Champion handed over the belt
and met Rambo with a fury intended to end his career. The match could not
be contained in the ring as the two men fought into the crowd, across the
floor and into the balcony. Viper opened a cut on the head of Rambo and
Jimmy returned the favor. As both men bled from their wounds, Viper
soon gained sight of his prize and soundly defeated Rambo to become the
undisputed Hardcore Champion. 10:00 even.
#7 NWA WV/OH Heavyweight title
Champion Awesome Arpin VS Garbageman
After a month of "trash talking" on the message board,
Garbageman finally got a chance to show if he could back up his string of
waste. The Champion kept the G-man on the run, as the as the masked man
spent more time outside the ring then on the inside.
This was the plan all along as Arpin
was jumped from behind while referee Tony Wolfe attended to G-mans
"injuries". A surprise came next as Viper charged the ring and
cleared house, then told Arpin to "take care of business"
indicating the Garbageman lying outside the ring with a bad knee. As Arpin
turned his attention to Garbageman, Viper struck him in the back of the
head with a steel pipe. Garbageman wasted no time as he
"recovered" and dove into the ring to cover the out-cold Arpin
for the three count. Garbageman did not wait for the announcement, instead
he grabbed the belt and left the building.
What happened next is under investigation by the Executive committee and
can not be commented on here.
I can tell you that it involves J.W. Idol, Viper, Arpin and a steel cage
match !
Ring reporter Johnny Gunn
Saturday night
January 29, 2000, Pennsboro, WV, Pennsboro
High School
A capacity crowd braved the sleet, and
snow to see the NWA WV/OH return to their town! 7 great matches promised a
great night of action, and the fans were not disappointed !
#1 "Magnum" vs Wildcat
The newcomer Magnum tried to show the locker room why he was here and what
he was all about as he attempted to finish off the Wildcat in short order.
Wildcat used all of his skill and battle know how to try and counter the
strength and rulebreaking tactics of Magnum. This was a tough struggle
that ran non-stop, until the 10:08 mark when Magnum scored a pinfall
#2 Tommy Boy Mulligan vs Blue Lightning
This fued that was at one time thought to be over, re-ignited in the
Pennsboro High School Gym as Blue Lightning and Tommy Boy tore into each
other and tried all manner of manuvers and aerial assualts to bring this
war to an end. After 7:59, when neither man seemed to have the
strength to stand, Lightning caught Tommy Boy in a pinning predicament.
This was not the finish however, the match featured the "looser must
eat dog food stipulation and Mulligan was soon up to his ears in Alpo.
#3 Big Gunn vs Mr. Main Event Curt Allen.
Big Gunn took the ring mic and explained that he had traveled up and down
the road with Allen, and as partners they had no equals, but suddenly, it
seemed to Big Gunn, that Allen really wanted to be the "main
event", on his own. Allen charged the ring and the battle raged! Big
Gunn used the high impact moves that he is famous for, while Allen tried
to use his speed and agility to overcome the brute force of Bigg Gunn.
After 10:11, Gunn caught Allen in a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for the pin.
#4 Evil Ninja vs David Powers
Commissioner Powers continued his efforts at his 38th straight victory
tonight with a match against the Evil Ninja Powers and Ninja met each
other heads up as this match quickly degenerated into a brawl that saw the
Ninja pull out all the stops and finally overcome Powers with an out of
nowhere DDT at the 8:15 mark Referee Tony Wolfe counted the pinfall as
Powers streak came to an end, and The Ninja claimed the victory.
#5 Dr. Doom vs Doink the Clown
Dr. Doom took a shot at a higher spot on the ratings ladder when he
thought that Doink would be a pushover. The Doc found out that Doink would
not lay down for anyone as he used his patented "circus style"
to wear the Dr. down, frustrate him, and eventually cover him for the pin.
After the match, Doink tried to give the Doc a 5 gallon cool off, but the
Doctor moved, and Tony Wolfe caught the "pause that refreshes".
#6 Jake Williams Blue lightning
James Diamond White Lightning
In a last minute substitution, Blue Lightning came to the aid of his
friend White Lightning, after it was discovered that 1/2 of the team of
White Lightning was missing due to the weather. The team of "Greased
Lightning" met Williams and Diamond in a battle to determine the next
contenders for the NWA WV/OH tag team titles. This was a pier six brawl as
the wrestling was fast and furious with many suicide dives, dropkicks, and
a never before seen display of rulebreaking, by the team of Williams and
Diamond. After nearly 7 minutes of action, Referee Tony Wolfe had to throw
both teams out and declare the match a draw.
#7 Hardcore, Three way dance for the NWA WV/OH Heavyweight Title !
Viper vs Goonberg vs "Awesome" Arpin (champ)
Viper and Goonberg made their way to the ring and brought a host of
weapons along with a table. Awesome Arpin brought a Kendo Stick, and an
Attitude. Viper teamed with Goonberg in an attempt to destroy his long
time rival Arpin. Viper has tried all manner of matches to capture the
belt from Arpin, and has now resorted to using attacks in and out of the
ring along with a group of thugs. The match was a war from the get go,
with all three men trying to bust the others open, and trying to end a
title reign by beginning another one. Viper used cooking trays, lumber,
his crutch wrapped in barbed wire, and anything else he could find along
with Goonberg to try and finish Arpin. Everytime Arpin was down Viper went
for the cover only to be pulled of by Goonberg. Soon Goonberg and Viper
found themselves toe to toe fighting each other with chairs and the ring
bell among other weapons. at 12:00 Viper knew that he could not overcome
the big man, so he did the next best thing to winning, he ran off to fight
another day. Goonberg stopped Viper in the aisle, and got a chair shot to
the head for his trouble. As Goonberg saw his predicament, he turned
to leave as well until David Powers came out of the crowd and
"helped" Goonberg back into the ring where Arpin used his Giant
Power Bomb to drive Goonberg thru a table and into defeat.
Arpin retains the title by pinfall at 12:48.
Submitted by ring reporter Johnny Gunn
Results -
Parkersburg, 01/08/00, belltime 8:00.
A capacity crowd again packed the Dills center to see 4 big matches of NWA
WV-OH championship wrestling.
In the first encounter the now hated Garbageman faced newcomer "Bobby
Garbageman insulted the fans and the rich history of Parkersburg in
anticipation of an early victory
Bobby Inbred used a style of wrestling not seen in the ring before, as he
delighted the fans and frustrated the Garbegeman to the point that the
masked man stormed into the back indicating that the match was over.
Garbageman raced into the ring just in time to beat the refs count and
administer a beating to the young Inbred.
After much action and agrivation, Inbred wrapped up the Garbageman in his
"family tree" submission hold and rolled the g-man over for the
three count.
Referee Tony Wolfe indicated that Inbred was the winner, but at ringside
Richard Arpin declared Garbageman had raised his shoulder, and he was the
To make matters worse Goonberg hit the ring and declared that both men had
their shoulders on the mat.
As an argument ensued, Inbred & Garbageman hit Goonberg with a double
clothsline and dropped him in his tracks.
As Inbred was taunting the fallen Goonberg, Garbageman exploded accross
the mat and knocked the youngster out over the top rope. The final
verdict: A DRAW !
Match number 2 never made it to the ring as David Powers and Dr.
Destruction met in the hallway to the ring and a fight broke out between
the two.
The ref felt that Powers & Destruction could not control themselves so
he threw out the match.
Match # 3 was also a disappointment as the Evil Ninja had missed a
connecting flight out of North Carolina and also his encounter with Titan.
The fans were looking forward to the high impact, fast paced style that
these two exhibit.
Titan was declared the winner by forfeit, but he refused to accept the
victory in this manner.
Match # 4 Promoter Richard Arpin signed Goonberg to face Titan earlier in
the evening before Goonberg stuck his nose in another match and got paid
for it.
The match instead became a three way tag match between Goonberg, Titan,
and surprise, Bobby Inbred.
The match was very fast paced with Titan hitting several high impact maneuvers
including a Power bomb and a Famouser.
Inbred used his "special" style to frustrate both Goonberg &
"The greatness that is Goonberg" tried to shine and
In the end Goonberg formed an alliance with Inbred to assault Titan, but
the veteran used a high crossbody block to win the match by way of the
Submitted by Johnny Gunn